Open Records Request

Complete the form below to request records from the White County Sheriff's Office. Please see posted pricing regarding open records. Contact Beverly O'Kelley with any questions or concerns at 706-865-6717.


If requesting an accident report, you MUST select accident report below to complete the required STATEMENT OF NEED. This is a requirement for release of any accident report, and the request CANNOT be fulfilled until this form is received. This includes attorney requests. (Per O.C.G.A. § 50-18-72a(5))

Contact Information
Type of Records Requested
Please indicate the type of records you wish to obtain. (Multiple items may be selected)
Type of Records Requested
Interest in Accident Report
Interest in Accident Report
Booking Photograph Acknowledgement
Booking Photograph Acknowledgement
According to O.C.G.A. § 35-1-19 (c) An arresting law enforcement agency shall not provide or make available a copy of a booking photograph in any format to a person requesting such photograph if: 1-Such booking photograph may be placed in a publication or posted to a website or transferred to a person to be placed in a publication or posted to a website; and 2-Removal or deletion of such booking photograph from such publication or website requires the payment of a fee or other consideration. This Georgia Statute can be found at
Alternative Interests
Alternative Interests
Accident Reports Open Records Pursuant to O.C.G.A. § 50-18-72(a)
Requestor Acknowledgement
Requestor Acknowledgement
Pursuant to the open records law, I would like to inspect and obtain a copy of the above requested White County records. I understand that pursuant to O.C.G.A. § 50-18-71, I may be charged administrative, supply and copying fees for the cost to search, retrieve, copy and supervise access to the requested documents. This administrative fee represents the hourly rate of the lowest paid full time employee with the necessary training to respond to my request, with no charge for the first fifteen minutes that it takes to respond to the request. A cost worksheet will be provided explaining all fees associated with receiving this request. I agree to pay all copying and/or administrative costs incurred with fulfilling my open records request.
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