Workforce Development: Quality Control Technician Apprenticeship

QT Apprenticeship Flyer

Have your employees develop Quality Technical and Professional skills through a two-year USDOL approved apprenticeship. The Quality Assurance program combines On-the-Job Learning mentored by your internal experts with focused technical education at a technical college. Chosen employees become apprentices and start practicing and applying the tools and skills gained from the Quality Assurance program and company mentors.


  • Flexible training that ensures workers develop the right skills and certifications, increasing the company's highly skilled workforce
  • Employee morale boost which improves productivity and profitability
  • Increases retention of workers during and following the apprenticeship
  • Apprentice gains education with little to no debt while working, leading to higher wages in the future
  • Apprentice develops professional communication skills
  • Apprentice begins working and leading with confidence and credibility and gains the skills faster than on-the-job training
  • Company return for investment is quick and significant
  • Applicable and valuable to people in all jobs related to production
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